This week’s must-reads: ‘Digital Body Language’ Is Everything: Interview with Erica Dhawan
In my work as a behavioral designer, I come across important stories on how psychology influences our behavior. Every week, I share my round-up of the most important stories at the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. I hope you enjoy them!
“Digital Body Language” Is Everything: Interview with Erica Dhawan (NirAndFar) I recently sat down with author, Erica Dhawan to discuss her new book Digital Body Language: How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance.
How to Play The Long Game: Interview with Dorie Clark [AUDIO] (Podcast) I recently sat down with author, Dorie Clark to discuss her new book, The Long Game.
How Netflix’s Choice Engine Drives Its Business (Behavioral Scientist) Netflix is the prototypical choice engine; it helps you find something to watch instead of just presenting options.
How to lose a monopoly (Ben Evans) Microsoft and IBM each dominated their generation of tech, and they each lost that dominance because the business they controlled stopped being the centre of tech.
How to stop yelling at your kids (PSYCHE) You can’t control your child’s emotions, but by questioning your assumptions and expectations you can become a calmer parent.
Rebel With a Cause (Character Lab) Research shows that by harnessing a teenager’s need for independence, you can help them kick their Instagram habit.
Happy reading!
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