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This week’s must-reads: Sleep Anxiety: Tips on How to Cope With Insomnia Worsened by Worry
In my work as a behavioral designer, I come across important stories on how psychology influences our behavior. Every week, I share my round-up of the most important stories at the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. I hope you enjoy them!
20 Common Values [and Why People Can’t Agree On More] (NirAndFar) Values are central to human flourishing. We need to define and understand our values if we want to live with personal integrity.
Why Do People Believe the ‘Social Media is Mind Control’ Myth? [AUDIO] (Podcast) The evidence is overwhelming: we are far more powerful than the technology that is supposedly mind-controlling us. It’s not even close.
Trolls need kind words the most (Eurogamer) The Kind Words game demonstrates that social media platforms can keep online conversations safe without impeding emotional content.
Alcohol Use Linked to Over 740,000 Cancer Cases Last Year, New Study Says (NPR) A new study shows just how much of a risk drinking can be. At least 4% of the world’s newly diagnosed cases of several types of cancer in 2020 can be attributed to drinking alcohol.
Sleep Anxiety: Tips on How to Cope With Insomnia Worsened by Worry (Teen Vogue) Insomnia can be an insidious, strange affliction, in that the more you care about its effects, the worse it gets.
How Susceptible Are You to the Sunk Cost Fallacy? (Harvard Business Review) The “sunk cost effect” occurs when someone chooses to do or continue something just because they have invested (unrecoverable) resources in it in the past.
Happy reading!
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